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5-Minute Guide: How to Maintain Good Posture for a Lifetime

How to Maintain Good Posture: Overcoming Challenges Through Improved Strength and Flexibility

When it comes to posture, our ability to implement corrections seems to last as long as we can remain singularly focused on holding the correct positions.

For those of us who multi-task or have varying levels of attention deficit, the relief to the spine and core muscles lasts a couple of minutes.

We unconsciously revert to our normal position… and the slouch starts to return.

Know This

Like other muscles in the body, the posture and stabilization muscles fatigue, especially when you are not conditioned to engage them regularly.

The best way to make lasting changes to your posture is to strengthen the muscles to build solid fundamental positions that support the spine.

A concerted effort should be made to strengthen those muscles that have atrophied due to inactivity or improper movement mechanics.

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Realizing you may have an issue or are developing a problem is the first step toward making lasting changes to your posture.

But how do you know which structures provide critical support and the specific muscles to target?

Evaluating Your Posture

To understand how to maintain good posture, you’ll want to begin by identifying the positions that create poor postures.

Know This

Many everyday activities lead to postural changes, including driving, working on a laptop, and looking down at your cell phone.

Posture and the Upper Extremities

Isolate repetitive tasks you engage in frequently and assess how these actions reinforce poor posture.

For example, are you currently reading this on a phone or laptop?

If you are, is your head and neck bent over to see the screen better?

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Are your shoulders hunched and rolled forward in front of your chest?

Young African American Professional Googling How to Maintain Good Posture Realizes He is Currently in Poor Posture
How to Maintain Good Posture: Self Posture Check

Suppose you heighten your awareness of this type of position and find you often in this posture.

In that case, a concentrated focus on a strength training routine will reinforce the back muscles and provide core support—specifically, the rhomboids and the lower portion of the trapezius muscles.

Posture and the Lower Extremities

Evaluating the posture of the lower extremity can be more challenging.

The lower extremity consists of both legs from the hip joint to the toes.

I would suggest having your chiropractor assess at your next visit, but here are a few posture points you can check on your own.

Experienced Chiropractor Performs a Posture Assessment on a Young Male Patient Interested in How to Maintain Good Posture
How to Maintain Good Posture: Chiropractic Evaluation

The position of the knees and feet is extremely important because they translate directly to gait alignment in all regimes of walking and running.

When standing naturally, are your feet pointed straight ahead, or are they turned in or out?

Are your knees straight and locked out, or is there a slight bend in the knees?

Do your knees bow towards each other or away?

Woman Interested in How to Maintain Good Posture Evaluates Knee and Foot Position
How to Maintain Good Posture: Knee and Foot Position

The position of the hips and pelvis are also interconnected with the lower extremity when assessing posture and provide core stability to the body’s major muscle groups.

This is the base that the spine rests on, and any tilt can affect the spine and core.

To check your pelvic tilt, place your hands on your hips.

Tuck your tailbone under (like a dog tucking his tail in), then roll your tailbone back like you are about to sit down.

Woman Interested in How to Maintain Good Posture Evaluates Her Current Pelvic Tilt
How to Maintain Good Posture: Pelvic Tilt

Then try to find a standing position between those two extremes with your tailbone.

We commonly see an anterior pelvic tilt in people who sit for most of their day.

This could be at a desk job, driving, or even sitting on the couch for long periods.

“The average American adult now spends about 6½ hours a day sitting — an increase of about an hour a day since 2007. For teenagers ages 12 to 19, that number is eight hours a day.” (1).

In my practice, I have observed a significant increase in the hours spent sitting and working from home.

Once you have executed your posture assessment, you’ll have a complete understanding of areas to target with corrective exercises.

Know This

The muscles that hold you in good posture need to be able to do so for long periods.

The Best Exercises for Maintaining Good Posture

Incorporating the following exercises and performing them frequently can help improve the strength required to hold that posture and the endurance of those muscles.

For this article, we will focus on the most common postural deformities: forward head carriage and anterior pelvic tilt.

Upper Body Posture Exercises

A significant focus in our approach to addressing forward head carriage is to design exercises to work on strengthening the rhomboid major and Minor and the middle and lower portion of the trapezius muscle.

Male Chiropractor Applies Kinesiology Tape to trapezius Muscles of Female Patient Interested in How to Maintain Good Posture
How to Maintain Good Posture: Upper Back Muscles

These muscles reside between the shoulder blades in the mid-back.

The muscles in the upper back play a significant role in retraction, pulling the shoulder blades back and together.

While the upper back muscles tend to be weak in most people, the muscles in the rear portion of the neck and front of the chest (upper trapezius and the pectorals) also lack flexibility.

Young Female Chiropractor Evaluates Neck Muscles of Male Patient Interested in How to Maintain Good Posture
How to Maintain Good Posture: Muscle Flexibility

To target the lower trapezius muscle, lie on your stomach with your arms by your side, palms face down on the floor.

From that position, work on lifting your palm off the floor, focusing on moving your shoulder blade toward your spine.

(This movement is similar to the variation of the Superman exercise pictured below that targets the low back. Here, you would raise your arms independent of your upper body and draw inward towards your spine at the top of each motion.)

Trainer Specializing in Teaching Others How to Maintain Good Posture Demonstrates Superman
How to Maintain Good Posture: Superman

Hold this for a second, then return to the starting position.

Know This

While performing any of these upper body exercises, one thing to keep in mind is to keep your shoulders relaxed and pulled down and back away from your ears.

When creating a plan for how to maintain good posture, “Y” raises are another great exercise that targets the lower trap muscle that is worthy of inclusion.

Trainer Specializing in Teaching Others How to Maintain Good Posture Demonstrates Y Raises
How to Maintain Good Posture: Y Raises

This can be done lying with the arms overhead in a “Y”, lifting the arms off the ground and focusing on moving the shoulder blades together.

This exercise can also be performed standing with the assistance of an exercise strap, such as a TRX strap.

Again, the focus is on the movement of the shoulder blades toward the spine (squeezing your shoulder blades together).

Rhomboid major and minor can be strengthened through exercises like the Brugger exercise.

Trainer Specializing in Teaching Others How to Maintain Good Posture Demonstrates the Brugger Exercise
How to Maintain Good Posture: Brugger Exercise

Sit with your elbows bent to 90 degrees, palms face up as if holding a tray.

Keeping your elbows at your sides, rotate your hands away from each other.

Focus on pinching your shoulder blades together, hold this for a second, then return to the initial starting position.

Rowing exercises are another way to focus on Scapular movement and strengthen the rhomboids and the Traps.

Over time, an additional challenge can be added to these exercises with the addition of a resistance band or a light weight.

Lower Body Posture Exercises

The realities of our current work and leisure requirements mean hours of sitting, which results in an anterior pelvic tilt postural change over time.

This is a forward pelvic rotation due to reduced range of motion in the hip flexors and atrophy in the hamstring and gluteal muscles.

One of the most common exercises for these two muscle groups is glute and hamstring bridges.

A Man Demonstrates How to Perform Glute and Hamstring Bridges as a Key Exercise for Maintaining Good Posture
How to Maintain Good Posture: Glute and Hamstring Bridges

Like with the upper body exercises, these can be more challenging by adding a weight or resistance band.

Know This

When lying on your back, when you place your heels closer to your buttocks, the glutes are targeted.

If the heels are moved further from the buttocks, the hamstrings experience more activation.

The hamstrings can all be exercised by placing the heels on an exercise ball and pulling the ball towards the buttocks, then pushing away to roll the ball away from the buttocks.

Trainer Specializing in Teaching Others How to Maintain Good Posture Demonstrates Stability Ball Curl Exercise
How to Maintain Good Posture: Stability Ball Curl

The hamstring rollout can be more challenging by lifting the hips off the ground and holding that bridge while rolling in and out.

Many of my patients ask about hamstring exercises that involve bending at the waist then standing up, such as the “Good Mornings” exercise.

Yoga Enthusiast Working on How to Maintain Good Posture Performs Her Version of the Good Mornings Exercise
How to Maintain Good Posture: Good Mornings Exercise

While this exercise will work the hamstrings, it also stresses the lumbar spine.

For this reason, I recommend placing more emphasis on the bridge and exercise ball exercises listed above.

The reclined position of these exercises is performed to take the weight-bearing stress off the intervertebral discs and help avoid injury.

How Lifestyle Changes Can Improve Your Posture

Making changes in the gym is an excellent start towards correcting and maintaining postural changes.

However, when working out how to maintain good posture as a whole, it is still essential to change daily life activities that reinforce the wrong posture.

Where can you make changes in your daily activities?

Focus on areas where you spend significant time, particularly on focused tasks such as your desk or workspace.

Adjust your screen to eye level, get a chair that reinforces sound posture.

Woman Interested in How to Maintain Good Posture Takes Time Out of Her Work Day to Stretch
How to Maintain Good Posture: Good Habits

Pay attention to your eyeglasses as bifocals can force you to hold your head improperly or sit forward in the chair to focus.

Consider an adjustable desktop that will allow for periods of standing or walking.

Set a timer on your phone to ensure you stand for a few minutes or execute several posture-enhancing exercises every hour.

Even those minor changes can make a noticeable difference in posture.

A Word About Patient Pilot by The Smart Chiropractor

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We hope this article has given you some great notes to share with your patients so you can create videos and more great content that covers how to maintain good posture.

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Chiropractic Email Marketing Best Practices: Patient Pilot

Our automated email campaigns were designed to help provide patients with a fantastic experience that, in turn, can help fill the holes in your practice’s patient bucket and generates excellent ROI.

Over the past year, our team of chiropractic marketing geeks at The Smart Chiropractor has worked with over 300 practices and sent over 10 million emails – and those include email campaigns about how to maintain good posture.

(And we’re thrilled that our average doctor has seen an 11X ROI from their email marketing efforts!)

There’s one BIG thing we learned from working with practice after practice after practice that we’ve kept in mind as we crafted our recent top 10 list of chiropractic email marketing best practices and our email systems…

Too many chiropractors with holes in their schedule form their marketing strategy around the notion that they have a new patient problem.

However, that’s often NOT the case.

Think of it this way…

Know This

When you have holes in your patient bucket, and the faster you dump new patients (water) in the top of the bucket, the quicker it will pour out the sides (retention) and bottom (reactivations) until you seal the holes.

If you have an email list of over 300 patients – that’s 300 local patients that have walked through your doors and experienced your care firsthand – it’s not true.

With a list of that size, what you almost certainly do have is a patient retention and reactivation problem.

Click here to schedule a demo and see how our Patient Pilot email system and automated email campaigns can transform email marketing in your practice.

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