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Look Up America: Tech Neck Marketing for Chiropractors

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

Would you like to grow your practice’s online following – aka your health tribe?

Here’s an idea…

Leverage community conversations.

The Look Up America Campaign

Look Up America is a public service campaign designed to inspire people to take mobile moments and look up from screens and social media for better mental, social, and physical health.

It explores the effects of “tech neck” or “text neck” in part – a community conversation that’s a great fit for chiropractors.

Our team even put together a presentation for wellness professionals here to help your practice be a part of the conversation.

The Smart Chiropractor's Guide to Reactivating More Patients Every Week

The Smart Chiropractor's Guide to Reactivating More Patients Every Week

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Does your community know…

Our 80+ slide, customizable, information packed PowerPoint presentation is titled…

The Impact Screens, Social Media & Social Networks are Having on our Health and What You Can Do About It.

It highlights healthy posture, 5 steps people can take to make their social media healthy, and more.

This is information your online followers and local community would benefit from and appreciate.

The Importance of Community Conversations

One of the most effective ways you can engage your community is to Teach & Invite, consistently.

When you teach and invite consistently, you’ll extend your social reach and start building better relationships with your audience.

“The Smart Chiropractor’s tools are simply the best ROI I have seen in 20 years of practice.”


Dr. Mike Marino, DC

Marino Chiropractic Clinic

Automate Your Emails

Potential patients need to understand who you are and what they can expect from your care.

This is part of building the “know, trust, and like” factor that is essential for conversion.

Start with our free presentation.

Here’s how…


“Teach” your online followers and community the about those 5 steps to a healthier social feed outlined in the presentation…


And “invite” them to subscribe to your tribe (aka social media channels) online for even more great information (tips, tricks, interesting facts, etc). 

Our friend Mark Victor Hansen said it best…

“Your net worth is equivalent to your network.”

Here’s an example of a recent radio show appearance where we got into the conversation by sharing those 5 steps.

And here’s another example of Dr. Jason Deitch getting into the conversation as an expert on Tech Neck Syndrome and the impact it has on kids.

Smart chiropractors like you know your audience is your biggest asset.

Take Action

What if you shared those same 5 helpful steps with your local media?

What if you hosted digital workshops for your active and inactive patients/clients?

What if you offered to present these 5 steps with local schools, associations, organizations, employers, and other health professional’s patients? 

The number of people you can inspire and that you teach and invite consistently…

Is directly proportional to the impact you can make and the income you can earn.


The more they can learn from you, the more you can earn from them. 

How to Join the Tech Neck Conversation

Start by teaching them the 5 steps we mentioned earlier using our free 80+ slide PowerPoint presentation

Want to take it a step further?

The LookUp America program will help you get in the conversation and market your practice as a helpful solution to “tech neck”.

Our turn-key kit includes everything you need to host an online or in-person event. 

What’s Inside: Look Up America Tech Neck Marketing Kit
  • Social media promotion images
  • PDF handouts

  • Marketing materials, including flyers and postcards
  • Promotion Images, Sign-In Sheet
  • Compelling, professional PowerPoint presentation

Get your Look Up America Tech Neck Marketing Kit at The Smart Chiropractor store here.

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