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A 5-Minute Guide to Google Business for Chiropractors

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

Google Business just may be the most important new patient acquisition channel you have as a chiropractor.

Yes, that’s a bold statement.

But, with The Smart Chiropractor, we are routinely watching our members generate hundreds of phone calls, website clicks, and requests for directions each month.

And that is precisely why you need to understand how to optimize your listing and make it easy for Google to send traffic (aka future patients) your way.

With hundreds of high-intent actions like phone calls and website clicks at stake, it’s critical that you have your Google Business page set up now for your future success.

Google Business for Chiropractors

It’s estimated that nearly 50% of searches on Google have local intent.

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That number is staggering.

It means that one in every two searches on Google is someone looking for a local service (like your chiropractic care!).

By optimizing your GMB listing, you can convert more of that traffic into more new patients in your practice.

Did You Know…

Over the past 30 days, our Smart Chiropractor members have received nearly 200,000 views of their GMB listings, which has led to over 9,000 new patient leads (calls or clicks).

This data has helped us develop our 3 step optimization system that can help your practice get more visibility and more engagement.

3 Steps to Optimize Your Google Business Listing for Chiropractors

Google Business for Chiropractors: Analytics
Google Business for Chiropractors: Analytics

1. Confirm Your Practice Information on Your Google Business Listing

Google Business has 3 primary action steps that a visitor can take after they view your listing.

They are…
  1. Call Your Office
  2. Visit Your Website
  3. Request Directions via Google Maps

Your practice information must be entered correctly to maximize each of these three opportunities.

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Dr. Ryan Grenier, DC

Optimal Wellness

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If your phone number, web address, or location are missing or improperly filled out, then you’ll never receive the full benefits of your Google My business listing.

After you finish reading this article, head directly over to your GMB listing and verify that your phone number, website, and location are accurate.

If not, make the update immediately!

Get This…

With The Smart Chiropractor, our members receive an average of 4,000 Google Business listing views each month.

Every one of those people is an opportunity.

Unless you’re a chiropractic marketing geek, you’re probably not cruising around Google looking at chiropractic listings.

Remember, your visitors (an average of over 4,000 each month!) are people with high intent who, in many cases, are ready to take action.

Make deliberate decisions on the phone number you enter, the website URL you highlight, and confirm that your address is listed correctly.

Just this simple step of verifying and completing your practice information has the potential to make a significant impact on your new patient flow.

2. Upload High-Quality Images to Your Google Business Listing

Put your best face forward by updating the pictures on your Google Business listing.

The images you have displayed can make or break the ability of your listing to generate leads, traffic, and patients.

Take out your iPhone, turn on your lights, clean up the office, and take a few welcoming pictures.

Going into a new doctor’s office for the first time can be intimidating under the best of circumstances.

By taking some high-quality photos of your reception area, active care space, and adjusting rooms, you can help set people at ease.


Confusion kills conversion.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and taking 3-4 great pictures of your practice can help set new patients at ease and make it easier for more people to take action on your Google Business listing.

Suppose you’re sketched out at your photography skills, no problem.

You don’t necessarily need professional photography.

You just need the type of photography that looks great on Instagram.

Don’t overthink it.

Have your spouse, team member, child, or anyone close by who is “good at Instagram” take a few pictures for you.

If you want to go above and beyond, include a picture of your front desk CA (smiling and ready to greet a patient) in the photo set.

Google Business for Chiropractors: Photos
Google Business for Chiropractors: Photos

When looking at your pictures, simply ask yourself…

“Would I be excited to visit this practice?”

If the answer is yes, then you’re good to go.

If the answer is not clear, keep taking more pictures until you get to YES!


3. Post at Least 1x a Week to Your Google Business Listing

While Google Business is not a traditional social media platform, they still will reward you when you post to the platform consistently.

Many practices have no idea that you can actually post to your Google my Business page.

But let’s go one step further.

Here is some “insider” information about Google Business:
  • Posting content to your listing can increase visibility 
  • Most posts expire within seven days 

With most of the posts expiring within seven days, you can see why posting consistently is an essential aspect of gaining maximum visibility.

At The Smart Chiropractor, we’ve found that using our framework of Teach & Invite Consistently is a perfect strategy to crush it on GMB.

Consistency of posting is the most important thing you can do to get more clicks and calls coming to your practice from Google Business.

The 4 Primary Types of Google Business Posts

Here are the post types we recommend when it comes to Google Business for chiropractors…

1. What’s New

Use this type of post to highlight anything new with your business.

Or use it to give prospective customers more info about what makes your business so unique.

You cannot set a time frame for news posts, and they will automatically expire after seven days.

Regular posts about your business will make your listing much more attractive to prospective customers.

Google Business for Chiropractors: What's New
Google Business for Chiropractors: What’s New

2. Events

Now you can promote your upcoming online and offline workshops directly on your Google listing.

Google Business for Chiropractors: Events
Google Business for Chiropractors: Events

3. Offers

Offers should be used for limited-time promotions in your practice.

You can upload a photo to highlight your message and draw attention to it.

Google Business for Chiropractors: Offers
Google Business for Chiropractors: Offers

4. Products

Want to announce any new products or services in your practice? Try a product post to get the word out.

Google Business for Chiropractors: Products
Google Business for Chiropractors: Products

Each of these post types has timelines and expirations.

They don’t last forever.

We recommend posting to Google Business at least 1x a week.

If not, you’re missing out on one of the biggest opportunities to generate new patients for your practice.

Set it and forget it with The Smart Chiropractor.

We’ll post to your Google Business listing 2x week with great content that draws attention and inspires visitors to take action! 

Let’s recap some of the most important aspects of Google Business for chiropractors…

On Average, Every Member of The Smart Chiropractor Receives:
  • 4,000 GMB Listing Views Each Month
  • 182 Leads Each Month
  • 57 Phone Calls Each Month
  • 75 Website Clicks Each Month

It’s Time to Optimize Your Google Business Listing

If you’d like to get the best results possible, now is the time to become a member of The Smart Chiropractor.

Our optimization guides and Google Business auto-posting can help you generate more clicks, calls, and engagement from your GMB listing… on autopilot.

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