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A Complete Chiropractic Marketing Calendar (with Template!)

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

By definition, a calendar is a system of organizing days.

The goal of a chiropractic marketing calendar is to keep your marketing organized to stay efficient and effective with your messaging.

Organized is the exact opposite word we would use to describe most chiropractors marketing.

We used to be the same way.

The schedule looks light? Let’s do some random marketing! Is the schedule full? Let’s slow up our marketing for the month!

By continually reacting to the weekly schedule, your practice will be in a constant yo-yo effect of peaks and valleys.

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Roller Coasters are fun, but not when it’s tied to your livelihood.

If that sounds familiar, then our chiropractic marketing calendar is a perfect way for you to stabilize the ups and downs by having a plan and strategy.

Consistency is key, and without a plan, you’re likely to fall into old habits of being reactive instead of proactive with your practice’s business.

At The Smart Chiropractor, we’ve seen a tremendous amount of success by organizing our chiropractic marketing calendar into monthly campaigns, weekly topics, and daily posts.

Monthly Chiropractic Marketing Campaigns

By organizing our chiropractic marketing calendar into monthly campaigns, you’re able to have a coordinated message.

Monthly campaigns are made up of the “big” ideas that meet two criteria…

  1. You have direct expertise.
  2. Your patients have an interest.

For example, some of the big ideas for our monthly campaigns include the low back, sports performance, posture, headaches, etc.

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These big ideas that frame the entire month of your marketing as a coordinated campaign.

While monthly campaigns are the month’s big ideas, your weekly topics give you a weekly framework to dive into a specific aspect of the campaign.

The low back is a pretty large idea, right?

It encompasses things like spinal discs, how back pain happens, how to find relief, how to minimize the risk of experiencing it…

The list goes on and on.

Weekly Chiropractic Marketing Topics

Your weekly topics allow you to drill down into the specifics of the monthly campaign.

For example…

A Monthly Campaign focused on low back pain may include the following weekly topics:

  • Weekly Topic 1: Chiropractic Recommended for LBP by Top Healthcare Organizations
  • Weekly Topic 2: Figuring Out Your Low Back Pain
  • Weekly Topic 3: What Causes Low Back Pain
  • Weekly Topic 4: Finding Relief from Low Back Pain

Once you have a monthly campaign and weekly topics, you never need to feel the pain of disorganized marketing again.

You now have an organized plan (you know, a “calendar”!) that can guide your marketing day after day, week after week, month after month. That is the power of having a chiropractic marketing calendar.

Daily Chiropractic Social Posts

Speaking of days…

It’s time to talk about daily posts.

Yes, we said that right – DAILY posts.

Newsfeeds and attention move ultra-fast these days, and posting something once a week or (we’re cringing here) once a month just isn’t going to help your practice get any traction.

Posting daily to your Facebook/Instagram pages is necessary to improve your reach and get the best results.

Here is our recommended cadence of posting broken down by platform…

  • Facebook: 2 posts per day
  • Instagram: 2 posts per day
  • YouTube: 1 post per week
  • Google Business: 1 post per week
  • LinkedIn: 1 post per week
  • Your Blog: 1 post per week
This is what we do automatically for our members of The Smart Chiropractor.

This social cadence will help you consistently stay top of mind with your audience and give them the chance to engage with you on whichever platform they prefer.

So you may be wondering how to create these daily posts.

Don’t worry.

We’ve got your back.

The simplest way to stay organized is to allocate a different type of post for each day of the week.

You can take the framework below and get creative, but we’d recommend sticking pretty close to it as you get started so that you don’t get off track.

  • Motivational Monday: post something motivational
  • Testimonial Tuesday: highlight a testimonial
  • Wake Up Wednesday: showcase some science.
  • Tactical Thursday: do some show and tell by getting tactical
  • Friday Favorites: talk about some of your favorite things
  • Saturday/Sunday: post behind the scenes/highlight other businesses you frequent

If you have a plan for each day of the week, it will be much easier to stay consistent.

You may be concerned about coming up with ideas each day, so let’s tie this all together.

Let’s say the big idea for your monthly campaign is the low back.

It’s the first week of the month, and the weekly topic is focused on how chiropractic care is now recommended by top healthcare organizations.

Your Motivational Monday post may say…

“Great news! Top healthcare organizations are now recommending chiropractic care for people with low back pain. Our practice is happy to see Harvard Health and the Mayo Clinic are now showcasing the benefits of chiropractic!”.

As you can see, that is a motivational post that ties into the weekly topic and the monthly campaign.

On Testimonial Tuesday, you may choose to highlight a patient success story.

Wake Up Wednesday can feature a link to a study about how these organizations now recommend chiropractic.

On Tactical Thursday, you can show your favorite stretches to help people recover from low back pain.

On Friday Favorites, you can explain the benefits of the supplements you offer to reduce inflammation for people with low back pain!

The power of having a chiropractic marketing calendar that includes monthly campaigns, weekly topics, and daily posts is incredible.

If you use this consistently, you can stay more consistent with your marketing and continue to achieve better results.

The last piece of the puzzle we need to touch on is the weekends.

The weekends are a great chance to highlight and tag other businesses in your community as you spend time with your family.

Here is a blog post that shows you exactly how to tag other businesses and create captions for the posts that get a lot of attention!

Download our Chiropractic Marketing Calendar by clicking here.

It’s the same chiropractic marketing calendar we use for our Smart Chiropractor members that drives more than 1,500 patient appointments each month.

If you’d like the entire process done for you, click below to become a member of The Smart Chiropractor and set your marketing on autopilot today!

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