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4 Key Ways Patient Pilot Makes ChiroUp Work Better

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

ChiroUp: Care Plan Guidance and Patient Education

About ChiroUp

ChiroUp is a great clinically focused software tool to guide your patient’s treatment plan during active care.

An Infographic Depicting the Main Features of the ChiroUp Program for Chiropractors
ChiroUp: Care Plan Guidance and Patient Education

Between sharing customizable condition reports and specific exercise recommendations, ChiroUp can help keep your patients informed of the plan and guide them toward achieving the best results possible with your care.

Patient Pilot: Email for Chiropractors

About Patient Pilot

Patient Pilot is an emerging chiropractic email marketing platform designed by our team at The Smart Chiropractor.

The sweet spot of ChiroUp is its ability to help your patient understand their condition and the recommended treatment to find relief.

That’s where Patient Pilot comes into play. 

A Scene Depicting the Different Aspects of the Patient Pilot Chiropractic Email Platform
Patient Pilot Chiropractic Email Platform

Important Ways Patient Pilot Makes ChiroUp Work Better

ChiroUp does not have a system to help you generate more new patients, improve your retention, or consistently reactive your patients.

The Doubling Your Patient Retention with Email Guide from The Smart Chiropractor

The Smart Chiropractor's Guide to Doubling Your Patient Retention with Email

Click Here to Download

That’s where Patient Pilot shines.

Patient Pilot was created to help chiropractors generate a consistent stream of reactivations as well as to help provide smart ways to attract new patients.

So, if you have ChiroUp, you’re missing a big opportunity if you don’t also have Patient Pilot. 

Read on to learn why.

1) Patient Pilot Extends ChiroUp’s Patient Education

One of the main features of ChiroUp is the ability to send out condition-specific reports and exercise recommendations.

This is a great way to ensure optimal clinical results.

After your patient achieves those results, inviting them to refer their friends and leave a review would be a great idea.

"It's pretty amazing to send an email and see your online scheduler fill up. Now, I don't need to sit down and stare at a blank sheet of paper to try to figure out my marketing plans!"


Dr. Reed Neubaum, DC

Ultimate Health

Automate Your Emails

That’s how your business will grow.

And that’s how Patient Pilot helps you get the most out of ChiroUp’s patient education

Know This

With Patient Pilot, your new patients will receive a complete onboarding campaign to welcome them to the practice, address frequently asked questions, reinforce the benefits of care, and ask for reviews and referrals.

It perfectly complements the clinically focused patient education provided by ChiroUp.

Clinical resources are great, but your patients are also people!

Using an automated onboarding campaign with Patient Pilot helps your practice connect with them and build a ton of trust and rapport. 

A Sample Onboarding Email from the Patient Pilot New Patient Onboarding Series
Extend Your Patient Education: Add Patient Pilot

If you don’t have an automated onboarding campaign by Patient Pilot guiding your patient through active care simultaneously as ChiroUp, you’re missing out on a huge practice-building opportunity. 

2) Patient Pilot Enhances ChiroUp’s Clinical Research

Sharing clinical research is awesome.

It helps patients understand the power of who we are and what we do as chiropractors.

Most importantly, it showcases the benefits they can expect from your care. 

Providing clinical research once you know the patient’s problem is reactive.

You’re reacting to what you found during your examination.

But what if you had weekly email newsletters and monthly campaigns highlighting research-based topics all year round?

That’s the power of Patient Pilot.

A Sample Weekly Educational Email Sent by Patient Pilot
Enhance Your Clinical Research: Add Patient Pilot

Our proactive system ensures that you can stay in mind with your patient base 24/7/365, regardless of whether they are actively seeking care in your practice.

That allows you to generate a consistent flow of reactivations in a way that is impossible using only ChiroUp. 

Here’s the reality of what’s happening in your practice right now.

A patient presents with neck pain, and you send a clinical report from ChiroUp (a great idea).

But, in a few months, the patient has low back pain.

Since you’re the “neck pain doctor,” they go somewhere else.

We’ve all had the “I didn’t know you took care of THAT doc” conversation in our practice.

With Patient Pilot, that is a thing of the past.

Know This

Patient Pilot’s proactive weekly campaigns ensure you build the relationship and trust gained during active care. 

That’s how Patient Pilot makes the clinical reports by ChiroUp work better. 

3) Patient Pilot Compliments ChiroUp’s Clinical Outcome Tracking

Tracking clinical outcomes is a great way to ensure that patients get the best results from your care.

Understanding their pain level, patient satisfaction, and condition-specific outcome reporting will help you adjust your treatment protocols to ensure you have legions of people raving about your practice.

But how does that convert into more scheduled visits and referrals?

It doesn’t unless you add Patient Pilot. 

An Infographic Depicting the Email Automation and Personalized Emails Provided by Patient Pilot
Compliment Your Outcome Tracking: Add Patient Pilot

Patient Pilot’s onboarding campaign is a critical complement to ChiroUp’s outcome tracking.

Know This

As your patients report great results, your automated campaign from Patient Pilot will guide them toward reviews and referrals.

As a business owner, you can’t afford to get great clinical results and not get reviews or referrals.

You need to pay attention to this step to grow.

Far too many chiropractors that provide great results have closed their practices because they were able to build their businesses.

ChiroUp will help you achieve the best clinical results.

Patient Pilot puts those results into meaningful action by helping you get more reviews and referrals. 

A Sample Onboarding Email from Patient Pilot's Automated Onboarding Series
Get More Reviews and Referrals: Add Patient Pilot

That is how Patient Pilot helps you get more out of ChiroUp’s clinical outcome tools. 

4) Patient Pilot Boosts ChiroUp’s Smart Practice Resources

As The Smart Chiropractor, we took note of ChiroUp’s smart practice resources.

Over a decade ago, we pioneered automated social posting for chiropractors and helped tens of thousands of chiropractors generate millions of social impressions.

In short, we know social posting better than anyone out there.

But, we’ve noticed over the past year that many of the most popular platforms continue to limit organic reach.

Chiropractors who are getting the best results with organic posts are social media are creating videos. 

We want you to get the most engagement from your social posts and generate the best results possible.

That’s why we offer our members weekly video scripts.

Know This

If you are using ChiroUp’s automated social posting, our weekly video scripts will make a HUGE impact on your ability to generate engagement through your social channels.

We continue to offer automated social posting through The Smart Chiropractor, and believe us when we see having something on your social platforms is better than having nothing- but if you want the best restults, you need to be shooting video.

We can help with our weekly video scripts. 

A Scene Depicting the Bonus Weekly Blog Posts and Video Scripts Provided by Patient Pilot for Ongoing Patient Education
Boost Your Practice Resources: Add Patient Pilot

That is how Patient Pilot makes ChiroUp’s smart practice resources better. 

How to Get Started with Patient Pilot

If you are using ChiroUp, you will be blown away by the benefits you can expect when you add Patient Pilot.

And with our satisfaction guarantee, you have no risk. 

Over the past year, we’ve worked with over 300 practices and sent over 10 million emails. 

Patient Pilot by The Smart Chiropractor

The average Patient Pilot member has an 11X ROI. 

Patient Pilot email automation fills the holes in your practice bucket, generates excellent ROI, and provides your patient with a fantastic experience.

Click here to schedule a demo and see how Patient Pilot can transform email marketing in your practice.

Patient Pilot is Here!

Send Emails. Reactivate Your Patients.

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