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Chiropractic Retail 101: Recurring Revenue in Your Practice

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

Did you know that 63 million Americans visit chiropractic practices each year?

That’s a lot of people who are interested in improving their quality of life, naturally.

Every one of those people (many who are already your patients) is also a potential customer for your retail products.

Having chiropractic retail products in your practice doesn’t mean that you need to become a salesman offering everything under the sun.

Rather, by carefully selecting a few of your favorite products (preferably available in your Smart Care Stores and drop-shipped directly to your patients each month via Subscribe and Save), you can increase your revenue while also enhancing your patients’ experience.

Retail products have the potential help you gain business and generate more bottom-line dollars each month.

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This additional revenue shouldn’t come at the expense of your time or sanity.

We all have that closet or shelf full of dusty products that we thought we could offer in our practice.

The truth is that selling retail products at the point of service in your practice is challenging for many.

That’s why the best chiropractic retail product strategy should involve an online store where you offer your favorite things to your favorite people.

Woman Buying Chiropractic Retail Products Online with Tablet
Chiropractic Retail: E-Commerce

The best part is that it’s hassle-free and works 24/7/365.

Additionally, with The Smart Care Stores, we provide you the opportunity to add products that can dropship directly to your patients.

No more dusty inventory in your practice!

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Dr. Mike Mills, DC

Mills Chiropractic

Automate Your Emails

Your patients can benefit simply by you directing them to your store where they can purchase your favorite, most recommended products at their convenience.

For best long-term results, we recommend you curate your favorite “Subscribe and Save” products so you can create recurring revenue each month.

It’s a win-win…

Each month your patients are directly shipped your products, and they save money.

And each month, your practice can build a growing revenue stream of passive income.

Chiropractic Retail Products

The most obvious retail products people seek that you can offer on a “Subscribe & Save” basis are nutritional supplements.

It’s estimated that over 60% of consumers buy supplements each month.

Women Discussing Supplements for Chiropractic Retail Purchase
Chiropractic Retail: Supplements

With our target demographic in chiropractic, we would guess that over 75% of chiropractic patients are purchasing supplements from somewhere.

Shouldn’t they purchase them from you?

Supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry, and the market is expected to continue its growth for the foreseeable future.

Offering your favorite every body, everyday supplements (we love Basis Health) is an easy way to create a monthly recurring revenue stream for your practice.

Pro Tip

Warning: don’t line up bottles on your shelf and expect them to sell automatically!

You should offer professional-grade supplements drop-shipped to their front door.

Trying to “sell” supplements at your front desk will always feel like selling.

It’s best to have an online store for your patients to browse and purchase.

Your weekly email newsletter is a great place to launch your supplement sales.

Typical email conversion to purchase rates are estimated to be around 1-3%.

So if you have an email list of 500 people, you should expect roughly 5-15 people to “Subscribe and Save.”

While that may not seem like a lot, remember…

Each email campaign can potentially add another 5-15 people to your subscription base.

Let’s Do the Math

Say you set a target of 100 people to enroll in your supplement subscriptions by the end of the year.

Say each subscription profits $20 per person per month.

You’ve built yourself a nice little passive revenue stream of $2,000 per month.

And that’s while providing your patients the added service of ensuring they get your favorite recommended supplements conveniently drop-shipped to their door every month!

Offer Pain Relief That Transitions to Lifestyle

No one is perfectly healed after one visit to their chiropractor.

Remember this principle: every process takes time.

Aside from supplements, pain relief products are the best products for chiropractors to sell at their online stores.

In some cases, your pain relief products may also merge into lifestyle products.

For example, CBD products like Fringe CBD can be used for pain relief and potential lifestyle benefits such as stress reduction.

Remember, your sweet spot focuses on products that people can use every day and are also consumable.

Basis Health D3 5000 with K2 Supplement
Chiropractic Retail: Basis Health Supplements

While there is a place for “therapeutics” and products for specific conditions, your recurring revenue base should be generated by specifically offering every body, everyday products.

Consumable products that are automatically delivered every month are the best way to build a subscription/membership program in your practice.

Pro Tip

Selling one-and-done products may be clinically viable for the care of specific temporary conditions, but it’s challenging to scale and build a solid recurring revenue stream over time based on that model.

Creating happy and healthy customers is your top priority when offering your favorite retail products.

Satisfied customers will likely tell their friends about your retail products.

Referrals are always the easiest way to grow.

It starts with offering your favorite things in a way that makes it easy for you to implement and easy for your patients to say yes.

How to Sell More Chiropractic Retail Products

Have you been looking for easy ways to sell your favorite retail products?

Well, you’ve come to the right article, and here’s how we can help you.

Simple ways to sell your chiropractic retail products include …


Start by creating a short (2 or 3 emails) campaign to announce your new products and encourage people to take action.

Then follow up by showcasing your favorite products in your weekly email newsletter (pro tip: use ChiroEmails).

Social Media

Post announcements, updates, and offers on your social channels.

The more people understand the benefits of your favorite products, the more you will sell (pro tip: use ChiroSocial)!

In-Office Video Screens

Don’t forget about your in-office video screens.

Turn off the news and start using your in-office TV screen to promote your practice and the products you recommend most (pro tip: use Smart SmartTV).

Ready to Start Selling Chiropractic Retail Products?

Use your email, social media, and video screens to your advantage.

With The Smart Care Store by The Smart Chiropractor, we use these channels and automatically sell high-quality, professional-grade retail products for our members hassle-free.

We offer chiropractors a hassle-free way to create monthly recurring revenue through memberships/subscription products.

We believe that monthly recurring revenue is something every chiropractor should enjoy.

By opening up a new revenue stream, you can practice with less stress, more energy and begin building what we call a Payday Practice.

To get started, schedule a demo with our team or check out this article on how to sell more chiropractic products in the next 30 days.

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