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S1E8: Your Chiropractic Patient Brochures are Not Enough

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

Episode Recap

Your chiropractic patient brochures are not enough.

Using education handouts, or brochures is a chiropractic marketing strategy that has been used for decades in practices around the world.

There are a lot of free examples of chiropractic patient brochures available around the internet.

We haven’t seen too many that have great design.

However, even if the design is great…

If you are still only using chiropractic patient brochures to “educate” people…

The Doubling Your Patient Retention with Email Guide from The Smart Chiropractor

The Smart Chiropractor's Guide to Doubling Your Patient Retention with Email

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Then you are missing a huge marketing opportunity.

Too many docs have chiropractic patient brochures from one company…

Social media done by another company…

And messages on their TV’s from another company.

And it just doesn’t work TOGETHER.

A better way is when your social media messaging matches your handouts, TV screens, blog posts, and more.

These details matter.

"It’s marketing made easy and meets your patients where they are at. It’s all automated."


Dr. Ryan Grenier, DC

Optimal Wellness

Automate Your Emails

Confusion kills conversion.

In this video, we’ll break down a strategic approach to your communication with action steps you can take today to improve your patient experience.

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Episode Highlights

  • [00:00:26] The most important patient communication that happens in your office
  • [00:02:43] Is your marketing professional or more like a haberdashery?
  • [00:05:28] Maximizing your controllable marketing assets and tools
  • [00:10:56] Creating a world-class patient experience
  • [00:16:37] Extending patient education beyond the four walls of your practice
  • [00:23:19] Is your practice the healthiest and happiest place on earth?

Impact Quotes

  • Information isn’t enough. Plenty of people know they need to exercise more and don’t.
  • To get the best results your marketing should not be from 25 different vendors and sources.
  • Your next best new client is keeping your current client.
  • As a doctor, you should think of yourself as a teacher first.

This episode was brought to you by The Smart Chiropractor.

At The Smart Chiropractor, we saw the two biggest chiropractic marketing challenges: content and consistency.

The result? More new patients, more referrals, and more reactivations with automated digital content marketing.

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