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S2E1: Introducing the Payday Practice

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

What Does “Payday Practice” Mean?

The term Payday Practice describes a strategy to achieve financial freedom by generating monthly recurring revenue that covers your minimum viable monthly income so that you can practice without suffering chronic financial stress.

We’ve dedicated season 2 of The Smart Chiropractor podcast to this strategy.

Episode Recap

This first episode will break down the critical things every chiropractor needs to know about automated sales with recurring revenue and e-commerce.

Here’s a quick preview…

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What does automated sales mean?

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It’s really automating what we call the Teach and Invite consistently principle.

That same principle applies to selling anything.

And really, that’s what automation is all about.

It’s what’s the goal you want to achieve – whether it’s attract more new people or whether it’s to serve your patients better.

It’s automating and systematizing the Teach and Invite consistently principal so people can learn about their doctor’s favorite things and what products they recommend.

Every chiropractor has patients or people asking them questions beyond the adjustment – about their lifestyle, about what other things they should be doing.

And usually, the question is in this form of what’s your favorite stretch or product or supplement or recommendation?

"We have loved this! We have already had 5 patient reacts from the emails in one week!"


Dr. Matthew Barnhart, DC

Triple Crown Chiropractic & Wellness

Automate Your Emails

Automation allows you to be proactive.

You know we can automate the content marketing for your practice.

Now, our team is gearing up to automate the content marketing for your online store to start building your payday practice!

It’s 2021.

There is an unbelievable appetite for health and fitness, and people are interested.

You have knowledge about what people should be using, taking, buying, reading, watching and learning.

Yes, you!

Young Chiropractor Excitedly Vlogs About His Favorite Health Supplements in an Effort to Build His Payday Practice
The Payday Practice: Teach and Invite

Whether you have twenty or twenty thousand people in your tribe, you are an influencer.

You can positively influence the lives of your audience.

Whether you choose to offer subscription products, digital services, or memberships to services you’re providing now, you’ll discover how to make it easy for people to say, “Yes, I would like to buy that.”

This is a fresh way of presenting yourself that will upgrade how you manage your practice, how you feel about yourself, and how your online audience engages with you and your practice.

Moreover, you’ll be able to financially unstress your income and your life.

Check out this video to discover the 5 things every Chiropractor needs to know when it comes to automated sales, e-commerce, and building a payday practice.

Developing consistent and sustainable chiropractic marketing tactics is key to your overall success in practice, and we’re here to help you!

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Episode Highlights

  • [00:00:43] Our core Teach and Invite principle applies to selling anything.
  • [00:02:38] Let’s automate your content marketing for your online store.
  • [00:05:37] Automating and systematizing the Teach and Invite consistently principal amplifies your messaging and version of chiropractic care.
  • [00:07:47] The health celebrities you know are where they are because the Teach and Invite consistently.
  • [00:9:31] There is demand for many of the different things that people ask chiropractors for.
  • [00:11:17] Everything doesn’t have to be about an adjustment.

Impact Quotes

  • This new concept of of shifting selling into serving is the future opportunity for our profession.
  • Technology changes the entire equation.
  • Why not go the extra mile and provide the doctor’s favorite things in one curated store?
  • Think of your favorite things as your playlist for the things you do for yourself and your family.
  • Technology really is what opens up that door to take what was traditionally very hard and not profitable into something that’s now very easy, automated in many cases, and profitable as well.

This episode was brought to you by The Smart Chiropractor.

At The Smart Chiropractor, we saw the two biggest chiropractic marketing challenges: content and consistency.

The result? More new patients, more referrals, and more reactivations with automated digital content marketing.

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