Table of Contents
The best chiropractic marketing strategies contain smart goals.
They allow you to Teach & Invite Consistently.
They draw your health tribe closer in so you can build up your know, trust, and like factor.
So, how do you get there from where you are now?
We’ve found that a content plan that focuses on monthly campaigns, weekly topics, and daily posts is simply strategy you can use to effectively market your chiropractic practice.
And below we’ll share our complete chiropractic marketing plan for 2022.
The Smart Chiropractor's Guide to Converting More New Patients From Your Website
Our goal?
To help you avoid the two biggest challenges most chiropractors face when marketing their practice: content and consistency.
Get Your Chiropractic Marketing Plan for 2022
Almost every chiropractor understands that creating content consistently is essential.
But, as you know, it can be extremely challenging to know what to post, when to post, where to post, and how to post.
And nowadays it seems like things are changing every day!
It can feel overwhelming.
As a result, your outreach consistency often take a back seat.
"It's pretty amazing to send an email and see your online scheduler fill up. Now, I don't need to sit down and stare at a blank sheet of paper to try to figure out my marketing plans!"
Dr. Reed Neubaum, DC
Ultimate Health
And, though we may not like to admit it, many chiropractors are terrible at staying consistent with their content.
It reminds us of an old saying about entrepreneurs.
The gist is essentially that as soon as something starts “working,” most entrepreneurs begin to look at what they could do next instead of doubling, or quadrupling, down on what’s already working.
We’ve seen way too many chiropractors that have Facebook Pages with a few posts and then… nothing.
Imagine how this looks to someone interested in your care.
They find your practice online and visit your Facebook Page, ready to learn more.
What started as the excitement may turn to indifference very quickly if your Facebook Page has digital tumbleweeds going across the screen because you haven’t posted in days or weeks.
Get This
If months have passed since your last post, your visitor may not even be sure if you are still open and seeing patients!
By implementing a system that operates off of monthly campaigns, weekly topics, and daily posts, you can avoid the pitfalls of struggling to create content and sharing what you do create inconsistently.
This process can help your team save time and amplify your reach over time.
The way to increase your reach may be easier than you think.
It involves creating engaging content and posting at least 1 time each day.
Yup, that’s it! Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and all other social platforms will show your posts to more people and expand your reach (for free) if you post great stuff and do it consistently.
See where we got the Teach & Invite Consistently idea from?
A system of monthly campaigns, weekly topics, and daily posts will enable you to overcome the challenge of inconsistency.
It’s THE strategy to successfully market your practice using quality content that informs and inspires.
Monthly Campaigns
Monthly content campaigns are the foundation of every successful chiropractic content marketing strategy.
If you are shooting from the hip with your content every day, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
Pro Tip
Creating monthly campaigns provides a structure, or theme, for your marketing so your followers know what to expect.
So how can you come up with high-quality, engaging monthly campaigns?
The best campaigns proactively answer the questions your audience is already asking.
We’ve found that alternating between lifestyle topics and body symptoms provides a great cadence.
Here’s an example of what that looks like:
- January: Healthy Habits and Resolutions (lifestyle topic)
- February: Spinal Discs (body symptom/region)
- March: Sports Performance (lifestyle topic)
If you’d like to download our TSC complete calendar of Monthly Campaigns for 2022, click here!
Weekly Topics
Weekly topics are designed to guide your daily posts. Each weekly topic is a new “take” or angle on the monthly campaign.
Monthly campaigns are designed to be big categories.
You could think of the monthly campaigns like the title of a book; then each weekly topic is an individual chapter.
For example, if your monthly campaign is The Low Back, your weekly topics may be:
- Week 1: Top Healthcare Organizations Recommend This for Low Back Pain …
- Week 2: Science Says the Best Way to Treat Sciatica is …
- Week 3: What Causes Low Back Pain
- Week 4: The Surprising Science About Surgery for Low Back Pain
Your weekly topics should proactively answer a common question people in your community may have regarding the monthly campaign.
The more closely aligned your weekly topic is as a direct answer to a specific health question, the more interest, engagement, and traffic you’ll get with your marketing that week.
Imagine your weekly topics like blog posts or articles.
The title, or headline, should be direct and compelling. As you write your weekly topics, ask yourself the question, “does this title seem like something I would click on?” if the answer is yes, you know you’re on the right track.
If you’re not sure, take a moment, rewrite your title using more action words, or perhaps pose a question.
Pro Tip
The more interest and curiosity you can pique with your weekly topic subject lines, the more clicks, visitors, and traffic you’ll get to your website and the more engagement you’ll get across your social channels.
Daily Posts
Daily posts provide you with the consistency you need to be successful.
Posting daily across the most popular social channels like Facebook and Instagram is a great way to keep your audience engaged and keep your feed fresh.
You can think of your daily social posts as mini-campaigns.
Starting each day by posting a Daily Dose of Inspiration will help your audience kick their day off inspired to live a healthier life.
Posts can also stimulate referrals, generate new patients, and provide information about your weekly topic.
We know… you don’t want to “annoy” your audience with too many posts.
Well, take a look at some of the people and brands you follow.
Chances are they post every day.
Know This
If you’re posting high-quality content, you won’t be annoying your audience.
Instead, quite the opposite will happen.
You’ll find people becoming more invested and engaged with your message.
Consistent Content Creation
Another big problem most chiropractors face is that they aren’t able to fathom creating enough content even once a day every day – never mind multiple times per day.
Make no mistake – this is a significant problem.
If you’re not present and consistently posting great content, you’ll be facing an uphill battle trying to build your “know, trust, and like” factor.
Know This
Before anyone becomes a patient, they need to know, trust, and like you.
Daily posts help you accelerate the process and can help you generate more new patients, reactivations, and referrals.
If you’re having trouble creating enough content to keep up and stay top of mind in your community, you’re not alone.
Most companies have entire departments of copywriters, graphic designers, social media managers, and marketing directors all working full time to create and pump out content.
By the way – we don’t recommend pushing off your social marketing to the youngest person in your office because you think they “get” social media.
Remember This
Establishing a great social media strategy (and creating the content) for a professional brand/practice is entirely different than posting a few selfies.
You Can Set Yourself Up Consistent Content Creation and Real Growth in 2022
The best way to overcome the problem of consistent content creation is to use the monthly campaigns, weekly topics, and daily posts framework.
It will help keep you organized and on task.
And remember, as we reviewed at the beginning of this article, you should always post with the mindset of Teach & Invite Consistently.
Why is it so important to Teach & Invite, Consistently?
The truth is that without a marketing strategy build on a framework of teach and invite consistently, you’re bound to end up on a rollercoaster – ups and downs, unpredictable results, and a lot of stress.
Every, yes literally EVERY, sustainable and growth oriented business in the last 10 years has been built on this concept.
That’s why its the core of what we do at The Smart Chiropractor.
Whether it’s generating more new patients through email and social, improving your retention with consistent communication, or creating a flywheel of reactivations – it’s all built on Teach & Invite Consistently.
As you engage with your audience daily, you’ll notice your engagement, energy, and following will begin to grow.
It may not happen overnight, but by sharing your authentic message even just a bit each day, you’ll build a stronger foundation for sustainable and predictable practice growth for years to come using our chiropractic marketing plan for 2022.