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How to Create the Best Chiropractic Google Business Posts

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

One of the most powerful, simple, and direct ways to communicate with your health tribe is by posting consistently on Google Business.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts
Chiropractic Google Business Posts

As a brick-and-mortar business, you’ve probably experienced the frustration of discount digital advertising.

Trying to convert eyeballs on a phone or computer to foot traffic through discount ads is…

Well, brutal.

A better way to approach your online marketing is to build long-term relationships with your community by showing up each day to Teach & Invite Consistently.

One of the prime places for you to Teach & Invite is your Google Business (GMB) profile.

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But if your GMB profile is a ghost town and rarely updated, it’s unlikely that you’ll be converting any of this traffic.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts

Google Business is one of the first places your future patients look when they need to find your hours, location, reviews, and your latest news.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts: GMB Profile
Chiropractic Google Business Posts: GMB Profile

Google is a search platform rather than a social platform.

Everyone who is looking on Google has something in common …


They are actively looking for you and your practice.

By using a content marketing strategy on your GMB profile, you’ll be able to use this intent to your benefit as well as the benefit of you visitors by providing them with the information, education, and inspiration they need to make a smart buying decision.

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Get This…

The average business gets over 1,000 views of its GMB profile each month.

It’s estimated that 5% of these viewers will call, hit your website, or click for directions to your practice.

That’s an average potential of 50 people each month who are apt to become patients.

Needless to say, you’ll want to include your GMB profile in your content marketing strategy.

Let’s explore how to create the best chiropractic Google Business posts.

How to Post to Google Business

Google Business posts are designed to be short and simple updates for your community and health tribe.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Updates for Your Health Tribe<
Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Updates for Your Health Tribe

One of the reasons GMB is so important is that Google prioritizes new, updated, and high-quality information in its search results.

While Google keeps its algorithm top secret, experts agree that having a GMB profile that is consistently updated with high-quality content and messaging is likely to help you drive more traffic, more clicks, more calls, and more revenue into your practice.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts: High Quality Content
Chiropractic Google Business Posts: High Quality Content

Once you have your Google Business profile setup, you can make posts by signing in to your Google Business or downloading the Google Business app.

Did you know … The Smart Chiropractor can help you integrate your GMB strategy with monthly content campaigns.

Let’s take a look at the steps to post to your Google Business profile.

1. Select the Best Type of Post for Your Goals

In the GMB menu, select Posts, and choose the type of post you’d like to make.

Google Business posts feature an image, text, and call to action.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Composition<
Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Composition
Here are the most common post types:
  • What’s New: posts featuring practice announcements and general information about your business.
  • Events: posts that promote your live or virtual events (you’ll need to include a start and end date).
  • Offers: posts that promote limited-time offers and invitations (joining your new app or supplement membership for example).
  • Products: posts that feature products you have available in your practice.

2. Write Your Post

Google Business posts don’t need to be flashy.

Remember, everyone who sees them is searching for your practice directly or chiropractors in the area.

You want your messaging to be helpful and direct.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Helpful Messaging
Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Helpful Messaging

GMB posts have a 1500 character limit on text.

  • The first six words should show up above the fold, and viewers will have to click to read more, so make sure the first few words are compelling.

The pictures you upload for your posts should be high-quality and professional.

  • Be careful about posting poorly lit or unflattering photos of you or your practice.
  • Your photos should leave the viewing wanting to learn more about your practice.
  • (At The Smart Chiropractor, we provide pictures designed to be engaging, professional, and intriguing.)
Call to Action

Google offers you several call-to-action choices.

  • A couple of the most popular include Learn More and Buy Now.
  • Choose the most appropriate CTA for your post, and be sure to link to the right landing page.
  • For example, if your post promotes your Subscribe & Save Supplement Membership, link directly to that product.
  • If you are hoping a viewer schedules an appointment, link directly to your online scheduling tool.
Date Range

If you are posting about an upcoming event or particular office, Google will ask you to be specific about the time and dates.

Google Business Post Media Sizes

GMB has some media size restrictions.

To make sure you can upload your images and display them correctly, keep the below guidelines in mind.

Image Size Guidelines
  • Minimum: 400 wide x 300 pixels
  • Maximum: 10,000 x 10,000 pixels
Video Size Guidelines
  • Use an AVI, MP4, or MOV with a maximum size of 100MB

3. Publish

Now it’s time to go live!

Select Preview to see how your post will look and make sure everything is good to go.

Once you’re happy, select Publish.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts: New Posts
Chiropractic Google Business Posts: New Posts
Can The Smart Chiropractor post to Google Business?

Yes! The Smart Chiropractor recently added Google Business posting to our service.

Now your monthly content campaigns can be automatically assigned to your GMB account, helping you keep your profile updated, fresh, and attracting more views and clicks.

See How Your Post is Performing

Google provides you with a lot of analytics for you to see how your posts are performing.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Insights
Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Insights

You can check things like post views, engagement, clicks, and more.

Pro Tip…

We recommend posting to Google Business at least once a week.

3 Great Google Business Post Ideas

Here are some great post ideas to get you started…

1. Event Promotion Posts

Suppose you’re hosting a virtual or in-person workshop, post and promote it on your GMB profile.

This is a great way to drive additional attendance to your monthly workshops, PI workshop, or pediatric workshop.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Event Posts
Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Event Posts

2. Update Posts

Updating your health tribe on ways to stay healthy and improve their quality of life is a great way to build your brand and attract more attention to GMB.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Update Posts
Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Update Posts

3. Promotional Posts

If you have a special promotion, post it on GMB.

Google Business is a perfect place to launch your memberships and subscriptions as well as your traditional in-person services.

If you’ve got a coupon or a promotion you want your customers to hear about, post it here, too.

Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Promotional Posts
Chiropractic Google Business Posts: Promotional Posts

Looking for Help?

Learn more about how The Smart Chiropractor can power your GMB posting here.

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