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S1E3: Your Chiropractic Email Newsletters Are Not Enough

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

Episode Recap

This video will show you why your chiropractic email newsletter isn’t enough.

Marketing your chiropractic practice with email is critical in 2020, 2021, and beyond.

Carefully crafted chiropractic email newsletters and campaigns will be the number one driver of new patients, patient re-activations, and patient referrals.

But, you’ll never achieve marketing success if you are only using chiropractic email newsletters that go out every month (or whenever you get around to it).

One of the most important email campaigns you can create is a weekly email to your subscriber list.

We do this automatically for our members in The Smart Chiropractor, and many are able to generate 3-5 patient activations every week through their email list.

The Smart Chiropractor's Guide to Reactivating More Patients Every Week

The Smart Chiropractor's Guide to Reactivating More Patients Every Week

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In this video, we’ll show you the exact email campaigns and templates you can begin using to get more people opening your emails, more people clicking in your emails, and more people taking action.

Marketing your chiropractic practice with email is one of the easiest to implement and high return on investment strategies you can begin using today!

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Episode Highlights

  • [00:00:33] The importance of chiropractic email newsletters and email marketing
  • [00:02:39] How email can help you sell more products and services
  • [00:09:02] How to grow a small email list quickly
  • [00:12:59] Why your email open rate is a reflection of your relationship
  • [00:16:18] The more you send, the more people open your emails
  • [00:21:35] Setting up email automations and sequences
  • [00:23:24] Are unsubscribes a bad or good thing for your email list?

Impact Quotes

  • Email is the most underutilized powertool we have to communicate with our healthtribe.
  • Email marketing can help you sell more products and services.
  • Sending out a quarterly newsletter is NOT email marketing.
  • Email is the least expensive, most powerful, and sustainable way to build relationships.
  • Even small email lists can produce big results when done right.
  • Your email open rate is an indication of the strength of your relationship.

This episode was brought to you by The Smart Chiropractor.

At The Smart Chiropractor, we saw the two biggest chiropractic marketing challenges: content and consistency.

The result? More new patients, more referrals, and more reactivations with automated digital content marketing.

"No AdWords and no Facebook ads. Only fully paid appreciative happy patients that stay around because they see value in what I offer them."


Dr. Sam Liveriadis, DC

North Road Chiropractic

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