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S2E5: Cover Your Monthly Expenses with Recurring Revenue for Chiropractors

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

E-commerce Stores Can Generate Recurring Revenue for Chiropractors on Autopilot with Subscription Products

All season long we have been breaking down in 30 minutes or less the mindset and the strategies you need to implement product sales in your practice.

We’ve talked about the platforms, the mindset, and even how to curate products, and today we’re going to discuss recurring or subscription products, what we mean by that, and why it can be so impactful as a foundational piece of how you build and grow.

Episode Recap

In this season’s fifth episode, we’re going to talk all about how to get started with recurring or subscription products.

Here’s a quick preview…

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There’s all kinds of subscription products now, and often it is actually easier for your patients and for you to recommend a subscription rather than a product.

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We’re doing them and we’re doing us a favor when we make the recommendation of a solution, not just an event.

Most people are looking for outcomes, not just the cheapest option.

The most stressful thing most chiropractors deal with is needing more new patients, right?

It’s the most common reason they need more new patients because they need more money.

When you make recommendations based on their needs, not yours, that comes through.

And so subscriptions or recurring programs and those types of things, in most cases, most of the time, is actually to your patient’s greatest benefit and to yours as well.

They stay engaged with your practice because they’re receiving the recommended product.

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They’re utilizing the product.

Everybody is able to continually benefit off of that.

That’s wonderful because it also extends the relationship that you have outside of just the hands on care that you deliver.

And that starts to, as we’ve discussed, diversify your income streams.

It starts to stabilize your revenue and uncertain market conditions.

If there was ever a time that people want the convenience of drop ship it to my house month after month after month so I don’t have to remember and go out anywhere, this is that time.

You’ve got your rubbing creams, your tapes, your supplements, and more.

There are even more consumable products that are not just supplements if you’re creative.

Some chiropractors come up with memberships.

They’ll teach something to a VIP client or group of clients for a monthly fee – i.e. a membership.

The goal here is to make your life as financially stress free as possible as ethically as possible by being of service.

Young Chiropractic Patient Browsing E-commerce Store Designed to Generate Recurring Revenue for Chiropractors
Recurring Revenue for Chiropractors: Teach, Invite, Engage

What are the products that all people – or almost all people – need almost every day, regardless of condition?

Is there a demand?

Is it profitable and is it relevant to what you’re teaching?

Now you’re able to not only control the destiny of your practice by creating additional revenue opportunities, but you also have a new way to serve your clients and your patients.

Check out this video to discover how to get started with e-commerce and recurring revenue for chiropractors, and, more over, how easy it is for your store to have drop shipping, automated promotions, and more.

Developing consistent and sustainable chiropractic marketing tactics is key to your overall success in practice, and we’re here to help you!

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Episode Highlights

  • [00:02:40] When you think about recurring revenue for chiropractors, think about how we’re doing our patients and we’re doing ourselves a favor when we recommend a solution, not just an event.
  • [00:04:15] Much of our profession, unfortunately, isn’t expanding their mindset wide enough to understand the real, long term personal benefits of generating recurring revenue for chiropractors by offering subscription products or even memberships to their practices.
  • [00:07:08] Patients stay engaged with your practice because they’re receiving your recommended product.
  • [00:11:06] If there was ever a time where people want the convenience of having something shipped to them direction, now this is that time.
  • [00:16:32] Think about the lifestyle experience somebody can have with your practice over time if they’re able to continue to learn from you – if they’re continually able to learn about things that can help them live a higher quality of life.

Impact Quotes

  • It is actually easier for your patients and for you to recommend a subscription than a product.
  • People are looking for outcomes, not just the cheapest option.
  • When you make recommendations based on their needs, not yours, that comes through.
  • How do you make your life as financially stress free as possible, as ethically as possible, by being of service?
  • If they don’t buy the right product from you, they’re going to buy the wrong product… from somebody else.

This episode was brought to you by The Smart Chiropractor.

At The Smart Chiropractor, we saw the two biggest chiropractic marketing challenges: content and consistency.

The result? More new patients, more referrals, and more reactivations with automated digital content marketing.

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