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Mar 2021: More Content, Automations, Email Templates, and Ways to Get Them

Drs. Jeff Langmaid and Jason Deitch

Founder DCs, The Smart Chiropractor

The Smart Chiropractor March 2021 updates include the following items to make your marketing MORE automatic, easier, and results-driven:

  • New: The Official Smart Chiropractor Store is live.
  • New: The introduction of personalized social posting (starting rollout) for TSC members.
  • New: Expanded team to include Success Specialist to help members get the most out of TSC.
  • New: Clinical conversations / guest contributors expanded in the TSC Blog.
  • New: Rollout of e-commerce emails in ChiroEmails for TSC co:Lab members.
  • New: Updates to the ChiroEmails visual email builder – specifically the ability to select stock images and have more control over the style of the social icons.

Huge shout out to the TSC Tech Team for continually improving the best chiropractic marketing service, chiropractic email templates, and chiropractic social media in the world!

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