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Why Should You Boost Chiropractic Facebook Posts?
Social media marketing can be a valuable tool for generating new patients, reactivations, and sales as a chiropractor.
Boosted posts are one of the easiest ways to begin utilizing Facebook ads for chiropractors.
Know This
Boosted posts are, in fact, a type of Facebook ad.
You can boost chiropractic Facebook posts to reach very specific people or groups.
And by targeting – or better yet, retargeting – specific groups of people, it’s more likely that your ads’ costs will remain low and their conversion rates will trend higher.
What’s more, Facebook also allows you to see who views your messages and how your audiences engage with the things you share.
The Smart Chiropractor's Guide to Doubling Your Patient Retention with Email
These features can help you continue to refine your audience and improve your ad performance.
So where do you start when you want to boost chiropractic Facebook posts?
Read on to learn how boosted posts compare to and differ from traditional Facebook ads, how much a boost on Facebook costs, and why you should consider using these alternative social media ads.
Boosted Posts Reach More of Your Followers
Perhaps the primary reason you might boost chiropractic Facebook posts is to increase that post’s views (impressions) and interaction levels (engagement).
Your Facebook News Feed is powered by algorithms behind the scenes in an attempt to keep you active on the platform (engaged) for as long as possible.
In other words, those algorithms learn what you like to see and shows you more of that type of content.
That makes sense, right?
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Dr. Reed Neubaum, DC
Ultimate Health
That may also mean your followers are unlikely to see every post you make.
Now, don’t get the wrong idea!
Keep posting.
Posting great content on Facebook each day is still one of the highest ROI generating and free ways to market your chiropractic practice.
However, boosting your best posts can help ensure that more of your followers see your news, images, or videos on Facebook.
And it’s as easy as clicking the “Boost Post” button on any of your Facebook posts and selecting your audience, duration, and total budget.
Pro Tip
Boost chiropractic Facebook posts that are already performing well and getting good engagement.
Trying to boost a post with no engagement is like trying to push water uphill…
It isn’t going to happen, and you’ll be frustrated with the results.
Engagement (likes, shares, comments) is the number one way Facebook identifies your post as something people are interested in.
And boosting posts that have organic engagement helps to amplify their reach.
You’ll get more bang for your buck when you boost chiropractic Facebook posts that are already performing well organically.
Pro Tip
Try boosting different types of posts to see which ones are more popular with your tribe.
It is a quick and easy way to learn how to adjust your Facebook posting strategy to build your audience.
Boosted Posts are Ads, and Ads on Facebook are Better
Yes, even now, one of the most effective advertising engines in the world is Facebook ads.
No other ad platform gives you the ability to “dial-in” your message and target your audience as effectively.
For example, if your ideal patient is between the ages of 24 and 55 and has children, you can advertise to just that group of people.
The ability to laser target demographic and psychographic information is the secret sauce that makes Facebook advertising powerful.
Pro Tip
But to get the best results, you need to take it one step farther with retargeting.
Retargeting is when you show ads to a warm audience of people who have already engaged with your content, visited your website, and opted in to your email list.
A warm audience is a group of people who already know you, and they are much more likely to “convert” and take action.
And while cold audiences are usually bigger, they don’t know you.
They often DON’T focus on the re-targeting!
Know This
Most chiropractic Facebook ad companies focus on running discount ads to cold audiences because it’s the best way for THEM to run ads and make money.
But, wait – why them and not you?
While this approach is likely to generate “leads,” such leads are not likely to translate to quality new patients – the one area Facebook ads for chiropractors should focus on.
It’s the worst way to use the power tools of Facebook advertising for your practice.
It just happens to be the easiest way for the ad companies to generate revenue and hollow “results” – be warned!
We believe – and the data shows – that retargeting ads to a warm audience will consistently generate better overall results.
We’d rather have 10 new patients on our schedule, paying our regular rates, then 100 “leads” who are coming in only to cash in a discount offer.
End rant.
The Facebook ad platform is also very dynamic.
You can create multiple versions of your ads to test which one is most effective.
You can boost chiropractic Facebook posts and test how they perform at different times of day, on specific days of the week, in various neighborhoods, and much more.
In addition, the cost of Facebook ads is very low compared to other advertising options.
And Facebook provides loads of metrics and analytics to help you see and evaluate how well your ads perform.
If you check your metrics and see that your ads are getting a lot of clicks and engagement, you can put more money behind them to reach more people.
Or, if you have an ad that may be underperforming, Facebook allows you to turn off your ad at any time, saving you money.
Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts Can Grow Your Practice
As you can surely imagine by now, there are a lot of reasons people choose to use Facebook ads and to boost chiropractic Facebook posts.
Pro Tip
You can boost posts to increase your online presence, share important news and information about your practice, and provide free resources to your followers.
The best way to get the maximum value out of your ads is to focus on growth.
Facebook ads can drive traffic to your website, where prospective patients can complete a new appointment form.
You can use Facebook lead forms with your ads to collect basic contact information quickly for your staff to follow up.
Pro Tip
And since the Facebook ad platform provides such great analytics and details, you can determine the value of your ads as a percentage of new patients and billable hours.
Yes, Facebook advertising and boosted posts can be a growth monster for your practice if you focus on retargeting through boosted posts.
Boost Away
If you want to boost your social media followers and grow your practice, boosted Facebook posts can help you reach more people.
Combining them with other Facebook ads can help you implement a robust advertising and marketing strategy with precise retargeting capabilities.
By strategically using both, you can give your online presence and your practice a boost.
And If you’d like to learn more about Facebook Ads for Chiropractors, download our Ultimate Guide to Facebook Ads.